Update: Caldecott Settlement Agreement Projects

> Update: meeting presentation, project list and tracking matrix  available

An $8 million settlement agreement with
Caltrans following community concerns
about the environmental documentation of
the Caldecott Tunnel’s Fourth Bore project
is delivering transportation improvements
that make walking and biking in North
Oakland safer. Oakland staff and their
consultants will provide an update on the
status of these projects at RCPC’s Town
Hall, Thursday, April 19, beginning at
7:30 p.m. at the Rockridge Branch Library.

Completed Projects
The first projects the settlement agreement
paid for were pathway improvements
alongside Broadway between Golden Gate
Way and Lake Temescal and new bicycle
lanes on Broadway between Golden Gate
Way and the Kay Overcrossing, near the
eastbound SR 24 onramp. They were completed in 2016.
Next were walking improvements and
a new two-way “cycle-track,” a separate
bikeway on the south/east side of Broadway,
between Keith and Brookside Avenues. The
settlement agreement also funded pedestrianscale
lighting on Telegraph Avenue and 52nd
Street, which was installed in 2013.

Projects Underway
The City is in the final stages of
completing a major resurfacing and ped/bike
safety project on Broadway between Keith
Avenue and Broadway Terrace. The project
reconfigures Broadway from two lanes per
direction to one with new bicycle lanes, and
multiple pedestrian improvements. These
include Oakland’s first pedestrian-activated
traffic signal (also known as a HAWK or
hybrid signal) at Lawton, a flashing beacon at
Taft and corner bulb-outs and median refuge
islands at multiple locations throughout
the corridor, project features paid for with
Caldecott funds.

The final design of a reconfigured
intersection of Tunnel Road/Hiller Drive/
SR 13 southbound onramp is complete and
awaiting an encroachment permit from
Caltrans. This project will move the bike
lane from the left of the freeway onramp
approach to the right, so bicyclists will cross
traffic at the signalized intersection, rather
than having to cross the onramp approach as
they do now. It will also extend the sidewalk
from the Berkeley city border up to this
intersection and will modify the traffic
signal to accommodate people walking and
biking. Adjacent to this project, designs are
also complete for a new sidewalk and bicycle
lanes from the Tunnel/Hiller/13 intersection
to the end of Caldecott Lane, at Parkwoods
Condominiums. This project is also awaiting
a Caltrans encroachment permit.

The last effort being pursued at this
time is the Rockridge Safe Routes to Transit
project, jointly funded with regional funds
and money from the Caldecott Tunnel
Settlement Agreement. This project will
resurface the roadway, add bicycle lanes to
uphill segments of College Avenue between
Broadway and Alcatraz and corner bulb-outs
to shorten pedestrian crossing distances.
The design for this project is complete; it
does not require any encroachment permits
and is expected to go out to bid in the next
two months.

Remaining Projects on Caldecott
$8 Million List
Work on other projects that could be
funded through the Caldecott Settlement
Agreement are awaiting construction bids
for the projects catalogued above. At that
point, the City will know how much of the
$8 million remains. This information is
expected by December 2018.
The April 19 presentation will be
posted at www.fourthbore.org. For more
information, contact the City’s outreach
consultant, Victoria Eisen, at victoria@
eisenletunic.com or 510/525-0220.